One of our earliest Craigslist finds was a lot of Restoration Hardware cabinet hardware that had been installed in a St Paul mansion, only to be removed a year later. I bought the entire lot for $100, but to buy new it would have been between $800 and $900... Which, of course, I would have never done. It was a mix of handles in various lengths and a bunch of knobs. Mixed in where some odds and ends.
I spent about 2 hours late Friday afternoon diving into the box of hardware and deciding what would go where. My fingers were crossed as I had little faith that I would have the right quantities or the right mix. 1 kitchen, 1 mudroom, 2 bathrooms, one hall cabinet, and 1 entry bench with drawers ---- only 3 handles and 2 knobs extra!
An aside, I had to do this while the painter did his thing, so I had to protect my shoes. Check out my custom footwear.
Bathroom granite has been delivered, but not without incident. We don't have enough clearance for our faucets in the master. Much trouble shooting in progress - may result in
A) no backsplash
B) having someone plane the backsplash down
C) find miraculously thin faucets for free
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