Tuesday, December 13, 2011

So long, farewell!

And now I shall put my nerdiness on full display - it's demo time!  

When I arrived, the garage slab had already been removed and the back room had been taken down. 

Here is a quick video of how easily the exterior walls come down:

This is too much fun!!!

The upstairs door gave us a little show as it came down.

I don't know what it is about boys, but this little guy heard the trucks from inside his house.  He and his Mom hung around and watched with me.  So excited!

Here is the big finale, please don't pay attention to the crazy lady in the background...  I have no idea who she is.

While not completely finished, there wasn't much left to see.  This was all that stood when I left around 11:30 today.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel this is awesome! I think all of us have some of that little boy "inside" us ... we want to see too! How great that there is no snow so cleanup can be accomplished completely without pieces hiding in snow drifts ... would not be fun to still be cleaning up come spring.
