We shall now redefine what the phrase "moving in 2 days" actually means. Due to
not passing today's occupancy inspection, it means that our stuff will move in. We will unpack all of our stuff, spend all of our time there, eat there, but sleep somewhere else. It will take the next week to address the crazy, minor issues pointed out by the inspector... we we will be sleeping in a nearby hotel.
I choose optimism! Let's look at fun stuff and make believe that this little blip never happened.
Staying at the American Club in Kohler ruined me, I wanted a shower with sprayers shooting everywhere. Putting in a Kohler package with rain tiles shooting from every direction is awful expensive, and the labor adds up, too.
Enter the pieced-together Moen system. In order to get a shower rigged to combine a rain head with a body spray, you usually need 2 valves (x2 on the labor). Moen has the M-Pact 3330 value that is both a main valve and a diverter valve. That means you can have RAIN + BODY or RAIN ONLY or BODY ONLY. Then you can use normal fixtures to create a pretty luxurious bath. Dude, I am going to be so clean.
Can't wait for my first shower. I did use the toilet for the first time today. Not as gratifying. |
On another rain-related topic, it poured last night and this morning. If we don't get our landscaping done soon, it will all wash away and we'll have to start over.
The walls on those canyons are about 3 to 4 inches tall! |
Tomorrow the wood floors get sanded and a top coat applied. 10 hours minimum to cure, just in time for movers on Saturday morning. Ye ha!