Loan - Closed!
Today we closed on the loan. Over the years we have closed enough times to know that there was a lot of signing so that was no surprise. This is, however, our first (and hopefully last) construction loan closing. Learning about the disbursement process and role of both the bank and the title company are new aspects for both of us. Bottom line, we will get to know Mike and Jean very well, so I have listed them both as Project Partners.
Garage - Sold!
The only nice thing about the existing home is the garage. It's fairly new, so we tried to make it work as part of the plan, but unfortunately it is just in the wrong spot. On a whim, I posted the garage on Craigslist for $700, must be disassembled and hauled away in a short 2 day window. I got a flurry of responses. But agreed to the first comer's offer of $300. In the end, it will also save us $600 in demolition costs. That's a happy $900 bump to the Craig-o-Meter!
Our $900 YIPPEE!!! |